Czechia has made a major commitment to promote and sustain what is referred to as “lifelong learning”. It sees all of an individual’s potential for learning as a single interconnected unit that is lifelong. Its goal is to facilitate continually the diversity of transitions that occur between education and employment. It allows learners to obtain qualifications and skills in ways that are appropriate in all of the different times in their lives.

Lifelong learning combines all three modes of education – formal, non-formal and informal – in a way that allows them to complement one another.

The formal education system forms the basic foundation of learning. This system, however, makes up only one part of lifelong learning. The Czech system of education has been designed to encourage individuals and employers to participate in continuing education efforts with support for investments in the further education of workers. This support is systemic and financial and looks to coordinate educational opportunities with the requirements of the labor market and provide opportunities for further education that are tailored to learners’ needs, while constantly improving the level of employees’ education and developing information and assistance systems for those interested in taking advantage of lifelong learning opportunities.